
POWER Bio aspires to contribute productively to ensure gender equity and fostering diversity, especially with respect to women, in the field of biology research in India. We aim to achieve this by facilitating activities and engaging with stakeholders in various ways as detailed below:

I. Membership and outreach

i. Diverse membership: Encourage participation from women in all subfields of biology and across different career stages. Work towards bridging the gap between women biologists in different regions, particularly focusing on underrepresented groups.

ii. Partner with existing groups: Collaborate with organizations like 'Women in Physics' and 'Women in Mathematics' to broaden networks, share collective wisdom and resources.

iii. Put POWER Bio on India’s science map: Promote the existence of POWER Bio to the wider scientific community via presentations/panels at different meetings that happen in biology and allied areas.

iv. Allies and supporters: While focusing on women, consider welcoming allies (regardless of gender) who are committed to fostering equality and inclusion in biology.

II. Activities and engagement

i. Highlight Success Stories: Showcase achievements of women biologists to challenge stereotypes and inspire younger generations.

ii. Workshops and Panels: Organize events on work-life balance, leadership, grant writing, mentorship and navigating career transitions.

iii. Networking Sessions: Provide safe spaces (both physical and online) for women to build professional relationships, share experiences and foster collaborations.

III. Addressing structural inequities

i. Data collection: Gather and analyze data on gender and intersectional disparities in biology to inform evidence-based recommendations.

ii. Policy recommendations: Work towards institutional policy reforms, such as parental leave, gender-neutral evaluation metrics and addressing implicit biases in promotions and awards. Develop actionable proposals to ensure fair evaluation processes for awards, promotions and leadership roles.

iii. Awareness campaigns: Raise awareness about unconscious bias and its impact on women's careers.

IV. Mentorship

i. Mentorship programs: Pair early career researchers with experienced mentors for guidance on academic and career challenges.

ii. Support systems: Establish peer-support groups across various regions of India for sharing struggles and strategies for resilience.

V. Visibility and recognition

i. Organize a conference once in 2 years: Work towards hosting meetings, preferably once in a year, where members can present their work, network and foster collaborations.

ii. Media presence: Use this website (and blogs therein) to amplify voices, achievements and challenges of women in the field.

iii. Awards and honours: As a long-term goal, establish a system to honour women biologists for their work in the professional sphere as well as for their contributions to the community of women biologists.